Nursalmi Mukhtar


This study was conducted in SD Negeri 173 Pekanbaru at class V with 36 students, consisting of 19 male students and 17 female student. Based on  preliminary observations V graders learnt mathematics that  is still  low  than  KKM (Complete Minimal Criteria) 70 average grade was 66.90 with 42.5 % completeness percentage. To solve this problem researchers tried to apply  Contextual Learning Approach to improve students achievement on mathematics at class VB SD Negeri 43 Pekanbaru. The metdhod used was a Classroom Action Research (CAR), which consists of 2 cycles. The first cycle consists of 2   meetings and the  second cycle consists of 2 meetin. The research instrument   consisted of learning devices (syllabi, lesson plan, worksheets, and achievement test sheets), teacher observation sheets and student activities sheet. The research data were analyzed descriptively. Results of this study indicated that the student achievement  has  increased,  the teacher activity of the first meeting 65 % and the second meeting of the first  cycle  was 73 %, mean while the teachers avtivity from  the second meeting on the first cycle to the meeting of the second cycle increased to the 90 % and than it is increase to 96 % from the first meeting to the second meeting of second cycle. While the students activity of the  first  meeting  of  the  first cycle of was 60 %, and the second meeting of  the first cycle increased to 71 %. Then it increas to 83 % from the second meeting  of the first  cycle to the  first meeting of  the  second  cycle, and increase to 94% from  the  first  meeting of the second cycle to the second meeting of the second cycle. There were increasing of student achievement from the mean score, 66.9 to 72.88 in cycle first, and it increased 75.6 to the second cycle.  It can be concluded that the implementation contextual approach could improve students mathematics  student achievement at V class of SD Negeri 173 Pekanbaru.


contextual learning approach; classroom action research; mathematics learning results; RME

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